Tons of weed from the deep tossed onto the shore by the wind where it will eventually find it's way into the water again. Millions of tons of this weed will find it's way to settled areas in the slack waters and canyons of the massive river. There it will form a new layer on the decomposing layers of countless years before. It takes with it millions of small water animals attached to it. This will become the detritus which will become the carps staple food source throughout the winter. Molluscs and crustaceans will take up residence in it as well as the larva of insects which will eventually hatch to darken the skies in spring, and will feed millions of fish and birds. Carp will migrate to these areas which hold these layers, finally settled out by the effect of gravity. The eventual decomposition of all this flora will return the nutrients to solution to be used by plants and animals when temperatures increase next year.
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