St. Lawrence River June 21-23 1999 or how to fish the mighty river


Here is a basic map. I believe it is best to center on one area of the river at a time. The river can be intimidating. You will become familiar as you go. The carp can be everywhere but often you will have to move to find them so a boat is needed to do this. Good fishing can be found along the shore however. I am basically a lazy bank angler, the boat will take you to many pleasant banks. If you do not boat, you will still find that chance at a trophy carp. Above I have numbered (1) public boat launch at Brandy Brook. Small boats can be launched here. Small craft can reach a couple of pleasant islands and skirt along the shore to find and chum a private spot. (2) Large craft can set out from Coles creek marina. There is a fee. Coles creek state park is found here also for the camper types. (3) Across from Coles creek is a dirt access for smaller cartop boats.(4) This is my favorite lodging place, the Riverview Motel, only 1/4 mile from the public boat launch. Linda and Bob run the place and will make you comfortable. They have become aquainted with the carp fisherman as my friends and I enjoy staying there. Great rates. I link to them, give them a call, or click here.    Riverview Motel

* A note on boats. Small boats do just fine if you stay out of the shipping channels and watch the weather. Larger boats can find themselves in trouble if fog or bad weather arises. Shoals and hazards abound for boaters. I won't question your abilities but be cautious and follow the rules.